

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


往往许多人在抉择伴侣时,容易东 想西想,不知所措,就是因为害怕一时做错决定,看错人,造成终生的遗憾。

诺贝尔文学奖得主萧伯纳说:“此时此刻在地球上,约有两万个人 适合当你的人生伴侣,就看你先遇到哪一个,如果在第二个理想伴侣出现之前, 你已经跟前一个人发展出相知相惜、互相信赖的深层关系,那后者就会变成你 的好朋友,但是若你跟前一个人没有培养出深 层关系,感情就容易动摇、变心,直到你与这些理想伴侣候选人的其中一位拥 有稳固的深情,才是幸福的开始,漂泊的结束。

爱上一个人不需要靠努力,只需要 靠“际遇”,是上天的安排,但是“持续地爱一个人”就要靠“努力”,在爱情的经营中,顺畅运转的要素 就是沟通体谅包容自制 (面临诱惑有所自制)。有许多人总是被 “际遇”所迷惑与苦恼,意 念不停、欲念不断、争逐不散,而忘了培养经营感情的能力才是幸福的关键。

所以不要去追问到底谁才是我的Mr.Right 而是问说在眼前的伴侣关系中,我能努力到什么程度、成长到什么程 度,若没有培养出经营幸福的能力,就 算真的Mr.Right 现在你身边,幸福依然会错过的,而活在犹疑与遗憾当中, 这不就是许多“爱情虚无症”的遭遇与心态吗?

若你此刻已有一位长久相伴的伴 侣,不要再随便三心二意地犹疑了,我们往往不易察觉感情中的一个陷阱,就是“近亲生慢侮”,也就是经济学中的铁律“边际效益递减法则”,跟你在一起越久的人,就越容易麻木与忽视, 而新鲜的“际遇”总是那么动人可爱。

在感情对待中,难免有摩擦与无心 的伤害,而且论得罪自己最多的人,当然是跟我们在一起最久、最亲近 的人。而新欢呢,又还没开始有得罪你的机会,再加上他的刻意讨好, 所以新欢怎么看怎么可爱,旧爱怎 么看怎么讨厌。但别忘了,新欢身上总是有不确定的未知数, 旧爱 身上就是有难得的熟悉感、确定感、信赖感。千万不要随便在偶然的“际遇”中迷失了自己,错 放了幸福温暖的手。

所以萧伯纳的话,是要提醒情人不 要太钻牛角尖于寻觅那唯一,应该把精神用在学会经营幸福的能力上, 同时也提醒我们“弱水三千只取一瓢 饮”若有幸遇到了难得的伴侣,就不要再三心二意了, 因为我们永远不知道一生何时会遇 到两万个其中的几个,所以要知福惜福、活在当下。

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The road taken

People are always saying that,
what you study isn't necessarily what you would be doing in the future.
The course you are taking in university might not be your future career.
That each career could be successful.
Yet most professional careers would require you to have professional knowledge.
Without it, you can't even step foot in that career.

While choosing courses after form 6,
we always focus on interests,
choose the course you like,
in actual, different courses offers you a different starting payment.

I had always been in a good class. So it isn't surprising that many of my friends end up studying medicine, pharmacy, engineering, dentistry, pilot, the classic professional courses. In gatherings, attention would naturally be focused on friends studying/working in these fields. They offer interesting hospital stories, airport stories and these future doctors would be arguing with the pharmacists due to their overlapped roles in Malaysia.

These courses all offer high starting salary. Listening to their interesting career stories and high figure salary often left me feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. Food Science and Nutrition will never offer me that kind of starting salary. It is indeed not practical to compare my course with those health care fields, but we were all so similar in the secondary school years, our results didn't vary much. But one decision, a choice of course, had led us to different starting point in the career world.

Had I regretted my choice? I've never had a very stone hard ambition to in a certain career. I know what I don't like. But choosing Food Science and Nutrition in a government university was a decision made based on financial practicality, interest and academic requirement. Mom used to say that wealthy parents could help make the dreams of their children a reality. Many of my friends from STPM had abandoned the courses assigned to them by government university, opting for private uni overseas, pursuing dreamed courses with family financial support. So I'd made a practical and down to earth decision with my course selection. I do like my course. But it is indeed discouraging listening to the starting salary of my seniors'.

Sunday, December 20, 2009





我还有一个学期的时间去考虑未来的路。不过,那天成绩出来后,我的心情和斗志确实增添了不少。之前听了不少学长们的告诫要我有心理准备,一直担心我的皇太后教授会很严厉地评我的论文分数,深怕苦苦维持的一等学位成绩会受论文分数影响。察看成绩当天,我的心还真是战战兢兢,虽然有作心理准备,但仍然渴望着奇迹。因此,当成绩表上出现 论文=甲等 那一刻,那种欢愉是很振奋人心的。很欣慰,一位阅历资深的教授肯定了自己的努力。我的心顿时对皇太后充满无限感激。


